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Land for sale in Pomorie

We recommend you buying this property on the seaside!
The property is located in the area of Pomorie town in close vicinity to the sea. The plot has irregular rectangular form and a face on a dirt road. The land is currently agricultural but could be regulated and turned into a building plot. There are electricity and water 1500 m away from the property.
The size of the land is 7206 sq m and it’s big enough for large developments. The density allowed for that area is around 40 %.
The area characterizes with unique nature and mild climate that make it a preferable place for relaxation and rehabilitation. The town of Pomorie has about 14500 permanent residents and great number of tourists every summer. Thanks to the nice climate there are more than 2360 sunny hours every year. The average temperature is around 23.6.
The town is famous for the mud which has proven healing properties and it’s among the best in the world. Tourists can visit and relax in the modern sanatoriums and spa complexes in the town.
Pomorie is also suitable for yachting and fishing. Wine producing is also popular in the area. Good opportunities for spa tourism give extra development of the resort and it’s area. Having that in mind any future investments in Pomorie would be definitely profitable.

ID: 4115
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Pomorie
Price Euro:  €50,442
Price GBP:  £42,876
Price USD:  $51,451
Category:  Development land
Plot Size :  7,206m 2
Location:  Near beach resort, On the sea, Near spa resort, Near town, In fishing area, In vacation place
Published:  Thursday, July 17, 2008

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