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Forests for sale in Bulgaria

If you are looking to buy forest in Bulgaria this is the right place to look. Browse trough our database of forests fields for sale in Bulgaria. If you fail to find what you are looking for please do not hesitate to contact us with you requirements and we will get back to you shortly.

Bulgaria is a beautiful country and attracts many tourists every year. If you want to make a secure investment in Bulgaria, buying forest is one way to do it.

SOLDForest in VelingradDescription
Forest for sale near Velingrad (ID: 5038)
District: Velingrad
Our next suggestion is rather unusual offer for a property. This is a forest for sale located in the Rhodpa Mountain, in close proximity to the famous SPA resort and town of Velingrad. The forest is located only 8 km away from the town. It is... more
Plot Size
8,000 m2
SOLDForest in Veliko TarnovoDescription
Forest for sale near Veliko Tarnovo (ID: 453)
District: Veliko Tarnovo
Our next offer is a special one. It is about a high quality wood situated in the Veliko Turnovo area next to the village of Arbanasi. The plot is 34000 sq m large. It adjoins a natural channel and a dirt road leading to the television tower.... more
Plot Size
0 m2

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