This is a rural property in a village 47 km away from Varna - the largest city on the Black Sea coast. There is an International Airport 45 km away. The nearest town is Provadia - just 7 km away from here. 3 km away from the village there is a Spa centre with a recreation complex. You can also find a small lake in the very close vicinity, which is suitable for fishing. The village is well developed with a Rail Station, Bus station, Doctor's clinic, Post office, proper road system. Some small shops, cafes and a pub are working. The house is a brick one. With two floors and 3 bedrooms. The structure is strong and solid, however the house needs renovation. The living area is 70 sq.m. and the garden is 750 sq.m. large. Water and electric are at hand. Nice view towards the forest.
Houses Area
1 Floor And A Basement
Plot Size
2 Extras:
Electricity, Water Location:
Near river, Near spa resort, In the countryside, Near town, In hunting area, Near highway, In vacation place Published:
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Former Aig Chief Executive, Letterstone To Launch 1b Euro European Property Venture09/04/2008 Starr International, the company owned by former chief executive of American Insurance Group (AIG) Hank Greenberg, and London-based fund manager Letterstone Group would launch a one billion euro Eastern European property fund, the Financial Times reported. Netherlands-registered LS Real Estate... more
Sewerage Project In Sofia Faces Possible Suspension14/03/2008 The European Commission (EC) may stop a major project for building a sewerage system in Sofia, backed by ISPA (the EU's pre-accession structural aid programme) unless the State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation (SCEWR) states its position on the proposed plan and charges of... more
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