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Rural property for sale close to Lovech

The house is in good condition, habitable. On the second floor there are two bedrooms and a large closet. On the first there are also two bedrooms and a basement. An internal staircase connects the two floors. There is an extension to the house, which consists of a living room, a guest room, a kitchenette and a bathroom. Outside, there is a toilet, a large garage and a well.

The property is situated in a developing region. There are many landmarks in the area - the Krushun waterfalls (5 km), Garvanitsa cave (1 km), Devetashka cave (15 km).

The village is a very lively place and is inhabited all year round. Roads are cleaned and maintained, allowing access through out the whole year and helping for the rural tourism!

The property sits on an asphalt road. Nearby there are three shops, a cafe and a pub as well as guest houses on all sides of the property.

ID: 13881
Property Status:  Invalid
District:  Lovech
Price Euro:  €9,100
Price GBP:  £7,735
Price USD:  $9,282
Category:  Houses
Area :  2 Floors
Bedrooms: 4 Bedroom
Living area: 100 m 2
Plot Size :  2,000m 2
Extras:  Electricity, Water
Location:  In the countryside
Published:  Friday, January 21, 2022

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