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Rural house for sale near Pleven

The house was built in the 60ties, recently renovated and is in very good condition. The roof was repaired 3 years ago. The floors are wooden, repaired about 6-7 years ago. The kitchen has water inside. There is an internal bathroom and toilet. There is a solar installation for the hot water.

In the yard there is a garage and a well. The soil is incredibly fertile - chernozem, which is very suitable for growing most crops known in Bulgaria. There is a large greenhouse. It is new and only used for one season. The garden benefits with an irrigation system.

The access to the village from Sofia is very easy. About 110-120 km is via the Hemus highway and another 30 km is via the road from Pleven.

The total living area of this property is 85 sq m. The size of the yard is 2500 sq m. The construction is brick.

ID: 14168
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Pleven
Price Euro:  €16,250
Price GBP:  £13,813
Price USD:  $16,575
Category:  Houses
Area :  1 Floor
Bedrooms: 2 Bedroom
Living area: 85 m 2
Plot Size :  2,500m 2
Extras:  Electricity, Water
Location:  In vacation place
Published:  Friday, September 2, 2022

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