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House for sale near Targovishte

The house is situated in a peaceful village just 10 km away from Targovishte. It has fast access to the town by a quality asphalted road.
The property consists of a house, garden and few additional outbuildings. The total living area of ​​the house is 106 sq m. The first floor has an area of 50 sq m and consists of two rooms - one 20 sq m and the other - 30 sq m. Outside stairs leads to the second floor where there is a terrace and two more rooms, each of about 20 sq m and a 10 sq m cellar. The total area of the second floor + terrace is 56 sq m. All rooms are furnished, but if desired, the furniture could be removed.
In the yard there are few additional outbuildings: 48 sq m shed, barn 76 sq m surrounded with a thick wall. There is also a large orchard and a lawn. The total area of ​​the yard is 1730 sq m.
The house is in good condition. There is water in the house, but no sewer. The toilet is outside. In front of the house there is a well with a lot of available water that can be used for watering the garden.

ID: 8699
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Targovishte
Price Euro:  €10,000
Price GBP:  £8,500
Price USD:  $10,200
Category:  Houses
Area :  2 Floors
Plot Size :  1,730m 2
Extras:  Electricity, Water
Location:  In vacation place
Published:  Wednesday, March 19, 2014

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