The one-room apartments are no longer the most desirable housing and the price per square meter falls significantly. For the first time in years in a one-room dwelling square is cheaper than the same space in the spacious apartment.
This shows that the crisis has already gone. During the last years of crisis, the small dwellings were much more sought then the large apartments. Now, however, more and more people are looking for luxury homes with two or more bedrooms, and there is increase of the proportion of those who prefer single-family houses on the outskirts of the big cities and especially near Sofia, comment from the consulting company Colliers International.
The same trend is observed in the apartments of medium and low segment. This is also the reason why smaller homes lose from its value and fall down the rankings to the highest price per square meter.
Begins to appear and the difference in prices of new and older homes, because more people are looking for new construction and the supply of such properties is limited.
The problem with the old homes, is not in the condition of the property, but of the common parts.
Because of limited demand and a growing supply of new apartments could be expected part of the investor to navigate back to the construction of new residential buildings.