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Stone Rodopi House

This property benefits from its wonderful location in the fairy Rodopi Mountain about 35 km away from the ski resort of Pamporovo. It is nestled in a nice calm village with fresh air and beautiful nature. Don’t miss this suggestion if you are looking for privacy and full relaxation!

The house is all made of stone according to the local Rodopi style. It provides 110 sq m living area distributed between two floors. The building used to combine the living space (four rooms) and the barn. Currently it’s not habitable but some repairs could make it livable. It is supplied with electricity, water and telephone line. The external bathroom and toilet could be relocated inside.

The house offer lovely view toward the village and the mountain hills. The garden included in the property is 1000 sq m.

ID: 1699
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Smolyan
Price Euro:  €28,500
Price GBP:  £24,225
Price USD:  $29,070
Category:  Houses
Area :  2 Floors
Plot Size :  1,000m 2
Extras:  Electricity, Water, Telephone
Location:  Near river, Near ski resort, In the mountains, Near town, In fishing area, In hunting area, In vacation place
Published:  Thursday, April 5, 2007

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