Take this estate and turn it into a lovely domain where you could live or spend your vacations. The property is situated at the end of a small but friendly village only 8 km from the town of Elhovo. The surrounding area offers picturesque landscapes - rivers, woods and wide plains. Some kilometers south is the marvellous Strandza Mountain where you could go picnic.
The lake of Malko Sharkovo close to the village provides excellent opportunities for fishing. Once you see the region you will really like it.
The house we suggest you is two storey, large and spacious. It needs just little repairs to become fit to live in as it is not inhabited now. There are six rooms – three on each floor providing 140 sq.m living area. An outer staircase leads to the second floor. The house is supplied with running water and electricity but the toilet is outside. It needs relocation and a bathroom should be built. The property includes a huge 3500 sq.m yard and some additional structures attached to the house.