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One storey house that needs repairs

This one storey rural house is situated in well organized village, one of the biggest in Yambol area. It is some 20 km away from the district center and not far from the town of Elhovo at the same time. The area is famous for the great interest that foreign investors have there. Fishing and hunting are quite popular; there is a dam lake nearby and big number of rivers.

The house we suggest you needs renovation and further investment since it hasn’t been inhabited for a while. The building provides 50 sq m distributed between three rooms. There is no inner bathroom or toilet so they should be built. The house goes with big garden of 1000 sq m. it is large enough for cultivating plants or building additional structures.

The property is easy accessible during the whole year.

ID: 3303
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Yambol
Price Euro:  €11,150
Price GBP:  £9,478
Price USD:  $11,373
Category:  Houses
Area :  1 Floor
Plot Size :  1,000m 2
Extras:  Electricity, Water
Location:  Near river, Near lake, In the countryside, Near town, In fishing area, In hunting area
Published:  Friday, September 14, 2007

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