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Small house for sale near Elhovo

This well-maintained, two-storey house is situated near the center of a small and friendly village, only a few km. away from the well- known town of Elhovo and 100 km from the sea resort Bourgas. The house offers 140 sq. m. of living area and is in good and livable condition.

First floor: an entrance hall and two rooms.

Second floor: three nice and sunny rooms.

The house is supplied with electricity, running water is available outside and inside of the house. Telephone line could be easily installed upon request. The bathroom and the toilet have to be relocated inside the house, the walls and the ceilings have to be plastered, and the woodwork has to be changed. Our local builders will be able to help you to convert this house into your dreamt place for spending holidays.

The house benefits from a lovely garden of 800 sq.m which is right next to the river. Just in front of the house there is s nice shady vine- arbour. A nice asphalt road leads to the house and makes it accessible in winter-time.

The village offers great opportunities for a nice holiday in the countryside. It has the needed amenities for a comfortable living.

This property is perfect place for your family holidays away from the tension and pollution in the large cities. All the time you can enjoy the beautiful nature around and the peaceful surroundings.

ID: 241
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Elhovo
Price Euro:  €12,650
Price GBP:  £10,753
Price USD:  $12,903
Category:  Houses
Area :  2 Floors
Plot Size :  800m 2
Extras:  Electricity, Water
Location:  In the countryside
Published:  Wednesday, February 5, 2014

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