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Land For Sale

At your attention is a peace of land that is located near the town of Sliven-15 km form the village to the town. In that peaceful area you can entertain yourself in different ways -playing golf in summer or skiing in winter, it depends on you. The surrounding nature is amazing – mountain hills, deep forests, a lake.
However, this plot of land is 660 sq.m large-enough space for building a house with a small garden or with a swimming pool. It has potential to become a great place for living and for spending your summer and winter vacation. For the moment the plot is planted with vines and fruit trees. You can either keep them or build the yard up. The area is suitable for growing that kind of plants.

ID: 1281
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Sliven
Price Euro:  €7,850
Price GBP:  £6,673
Price USD:  $8,007
Category:  Regulated land
Area :  1 Floor
Plot Size :  660m 2
Extras:  Water
Location:  In the mountains, In the countryside, Near town, In fishing area, In hunting area, In vacation place, Near mountain
Published:  Thursday, February 10, 2011

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