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House for sale near Elhovo

This is a lovely rural one-storey house located in a village 20 km away from the well known town Elhovo. Its living area sums up to 60 sq.m divided into two cozy bedrooms and a kitchen connected with a corridor. You will benefit from a hand made fireplace inside the house. Secondary two-room building is attached to the main construction.

The toilet and the bathroom are located outdoors. There is also electricity in the house. Telephone line can be installed upon request. The property is in good livable condition.

The house is in the very end of a peaceful neighborhood. It is surrounded by a spacious 2000 sq.m. garden in excellent condition.

It is the perfect place for relaxation far from the tension of the big cities.

ID: 71
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Elhovo
Price Euro:  €9,000
Price GBP:  £7,650
Price USD:  $9,180
Category:  Houses
Area :  1 Floor
Plot Size :  2,000m 2
Extras:  Electricity, Water
Location:  In the countryside
Published:  Monday, February 3, 2014

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