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Agricultural land for sale near Varna


This plot of agricultural land spreads over 10 050 sq m and includes three equal separate plots with size of 3350 sq m. They are close to asphalt road; located near well organized village in Varna area only 10 km from the seaside and some 30 km away from the city. The International Airport is 8 km further.

One of the main advantages of the area is that it offers quick and easy access to the sea just for a few minutes driving. The nearest beach is the one in Kamchia resort. It is right next to the reserve of Kamchia that spreads over 842.1 ha. Close to the village there is a lake where fishing is possible.

ID: 4095
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Varna
Price Euro:  €120,600
Price GBP:  £102,510
Price USD:  $123,012
Category:  Development land
Plot Size :  10,050m 2
Location:  Near river, Near beach resort, Near the sea, Near lake, In fishing area
Published:  Thursday, June 19, 2008

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