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A Charming Rural House With A Huge Garden

This cozy house is located in the rural area of Bourgas - the biggest city on the southeast sea coast. It is 70 km away from it, about 1 hour driving with a car. This charming property is situated in a peaceful neighbourhood providing all the advantages of the quiet countryside life.
The two-storey house offers accommodation on 120 sq.m. of living area, distributed among six rooms – three on the ground floor and three on the second floor. Downstairs you can find a kitchen, a dinning room and a living room. There are outside stairs that are leading to the upper floor. There are another three rooms- two bedrooms and a guestroom. The toilet is outside the house. Running water, electricity and telephone are available. Internet and cable television could be installed. For the improvement of the interior, it needs slight refreshments that can be provided by our local building team.
Look at the big garden that goes with the house- 2000 sq.m. Enough for building a second house, or a big swimming pool. If you have a creative imagination you will surely know what to do. That property benefits from the fact that it is situated at the end of the village - quiet location and picturesque view.

ID: 1271
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Burgas
Price Euro:  €19,350
Price GBP:  £16,448
Price USD:  $19,737
Category:  Houses
Area :  2 Floors
Plot Size :  2,000m 2
Extras:  internet,cable_television, Electricity, Water, Telephone, Cable TV, Internet
Location:  Near river, Near beach resort, In the countryside, Near town, In fishing area, In hunting area, In vacation place
Published:  Thursday, April 5, 2007

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