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Small farm near Plovdiv

We offer you a small rural farm house. It is located 4 km from the highway connecting Sofia and the black sea resorts, 40 km from the second biggest town in Bulgaria Plovdiv. The property consists of solid brick built house with total living area of 70 sq m .Bathroom and toilet are available indoors. Steam generator is available as well. There is also a winter garden heated by the same heating system. The size of it is 250 sq m. There is a second winter garden of 100 sq m currently not connected to the steam generator system. Farm building of 150 sq m designed for breeding pigs included as well. Other extras include additional building of 50 sq m used for storing coal for the steam generator and 105 sq m farm building for storing crops. The yard is 3000 sq m offering enough space for running your small farm.

ID: 3025
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Plovdiv
Price Euro:  €29,500
Price GBP:  £25,075
Price USD:  $30,090
Category:  Houses
Area :  1 Floor
Plot Size :  3,000m 2
Extras:  Electricity, Water, Outbuilding
Location:  In the countryside, Near highway
Published:  Wednesday, October 22, 2008

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