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Shop for sale in Veliko Tarnovo

We are offering you this profitable property located in center of the city of Veliko Tarnovo. This is a store with 250 sq m of storage space with offices, 2 bathrooms, and 10 meters wide shop window. The property is suitable for commercial or office activity. The building is finished with PVC window frames, cell ceilings, tiled flooring, latex painted walls, tiled bathroom walls and floor, air conditioning, SOT security system, there is also a place for a commercial on top of the building. The property has its own parking space for 5-8 vehicles. At the moment the sore operates as a kid's shop for clothes, toys, books and others.

Veliko Tarnovo is the town with the most glorious historical past in Bulgaria. The old metropolis of Bulgaria. It is one of the oldest settlements in Bulgaria, having a millennia old life. Each little piece of stone, wood or ground in it is history. Veliko Turnovo is located in Central Northern Bulgaria, in the foot of Stara Planina Mountain, on the two banks of the Yantra River, cutting a peculiar gorge through Turnovo Hills. It is on a nearly equal distance to the biggest cities in the country- 241 km to the capital Sofia, 228 km to Varna,192 km to Plovdiv and 224 km to Burgas. It has every right to be considered as the most beautiful Bulgarian town Turnovo with its interesting life reveals very rich historical past. For that reason Bulgarians think about the town as a national sacred place.Modern Veliko Tarnovo is a town - museum rich in many cultural museums and monuments and architectural preserves. Every year the town is visited by thousands of tourists from Bulgaria and from abroad. It is a prime concern of the whole nation to study and preserve the numerous historical and architectural monuments, the rich museums and the museum cultural artifacts.


ID: 4454
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Veliko Tarnovo
Price Euro:  €900,000
Price GBP:  £765,000
Price USD:  $918,000
Category:  Commercial properties
Area :  2 Floors
Plot Size :  250m 2
Extras:  Electricity, Water
Location:  In town, In historic place
Published:  Thursday, March 19, 2009

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