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School for sale near Rousse

This is another offer for an old school for sale with project for renovation. The property is located in a small picturesque village near Tutrakan in the region of Razgrad which is about 48 km east of the city of Rousse.

The land with this property is 9,683mtrs² (2.40 acres) in total. Next to the school there is a gymnasium which can also be renovated and will be a place where the young people can let off steam with indoor sports and fitness activities.

The school stands on the edge of a park which is 70,000 mtrs² (17.29 acres) in which there is a lake of 10,000 mtrs² (2.5 acres) both of which the local municipally have given full permission to use for the project.

It is intended that the area will be landscaped to offer a football pitch and other outdoor activities including gardening projects and that the lake itself could be used for fishing and or water sports.



ID: 7185
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Razgrad
Price Euro
40,000, €36,000
Price GBP:  £30,600
Price USD:  $36,720
Category:  Investment Projects, Commercial properties
Area :  2 Floors
Living area: 400m 2
Plot Size :  9,683m 2
Extras:  Electricity, Water
Location:  Near river, In the countryside, Near town, In fishing area, Near highway, In vacation place
Published:  Thursday, August 29, 2019

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