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School for sale near Rousse

This is an offer for an old school for sale located in a village within 46 km south of Rousse near Cherni Lom River.

The building is an old school, which needs renovation. The area is about 1000 sq. m. and is distributed between 20 rooms. The size of the plot that comes with the building is about 7000 sq. m. The property is supplied with electricity and water mains. A phone line could be connected. The property is a good investment and could be converted into a hotel or villa complex and provides lots of opportunities. The schools is situated in a picturesque countryside, close to lots of attractive landmarks.

In the area of the village there are remains of Thracian ceramics, weights for looms, fighting balls, millstones as well as a collective find of bronze and copper coins from the time of the Roman Empire. There are traces of an antique and medieval settlement. A monastery was built during the Second Bulgarian Kingdom which was demolished by the Turks later. In the area there is also a rebel hide out, an object of tourist's interest.



ID: 7184
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Ruse
Price Euro:  €71,500
Price GBP:  £60,775
Price USD:  $72,930
Category:  Commercial properties
Area :  2 Floors
Plot Size :  6,790m 2
Extras:  Electricity, Water
Location:  Near river, In the countryside, Near town, In fishing area, Near highway, In vacation place
Published:  Tuesday, August 14, 2012

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