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Rural house for sale near Pazardzhik

This is a lovely house located in a quiet village only 20 km from Pazardzhik and 30 km from Plovdiv. The property is situated next to a main road which guarantees easy access all year around. The property is very private. There is a cherry farm on one side of the property and the rest is surrounded by land fields. In front of the house is the main road. The next house is around 50 meters away.

The garden is 1200 sq. m. large. There are 14 vines that provide lots of grapes, and 15 different types of fruit trees. The house is made of traditional materials. It consists of 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, and one more room suitable for toilet and shower. The toilet; shower cabin and sink are there ready to be installed. The boiler is heated by solar panels and in case of lack of sun - by electricity. There is a second boiler and solar panel ready to be installed for heating the rest of the rooms. Water, electricity and security system are installed in the property. There also is an additional building used as a storage and summer kitchen. The property is surrounded by fence.

Please contact us if you need more information.


ID: 4341
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Pazardzhik
Price Euro:  €24,400
Price GBP:  £20,740
Price USD:  $24,888
Category:  Houses
Area :  1 Floor And A Basement
Plot Size :  1,200m 2
Extras:  Electricity, Water, Telephone, Well
Location:  In the countryside
Published:  Monday, January 26, 2009

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