The below advertised property is located in a village in Lovech Region, Troyan Municipality.
The village lies 4 km south-west of Troyan, about 40 km south from Lovech, about 10 km away of Chiflik, about 14 km in the same direction of Shipkovo and about 160 km away of Sofia. The settlement is nestled at the foot of the Balkan Mountains, 602 m above the sea level. There is a River that passes through the village.
The settlement has many amenities, some of which include a town-hall, a hypermarket, a medical office with one doctor and one dentist, a horse base. There is coverage of all mobile operators, cable TV and Internet also are available.
The offered property comprises of a huge plot of land, with two residential buildings and additional farm buildings built on it. The size of the plot is 2579. Both houses have two floors, one is adobe built and the other is brick. Both buildings are in poor condition and require major renovation in order to become livable.
The garden however is beautiful. It has slopped edges, although the majority of it is flat, thus good for farming and growing crops. The soil is fertile, arable. The garden has been frequently worked on and in good condition. Water and electricity are supplied. There is spring water, which is drinkable.