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Old rural house for sale near Ihtiman

For sale is an old, mud-brick house with a very large yard, just 27 km north from Ihtiman, Sofia district.

The house has a total living area of 130 sq m. It is made of baked mud brick and trimmer joists. The year of construction is 1940. The property is situated in a rural area about 50 km from the capital Sofia and 18 km from the village of Vakarel. The area is beautiful, mountainous, at an elevation of 1100 m.

The house is situated at the end of the village followed by meadows and a forest. There are two floors – a ground floor and a residential floor – each about 65 sq m. On the above floor there are 4 rooms, and below there are two.

The yard is relatively flat - about 1800 sq m. The property faces south. There is electricity, water from a well, which is 2 meters from the house. Good neighbors nearby.

ID: 14493
Property Status:  Available
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District:  Ihtiman
Price Euro:  €23,800
Price GBP:  £20,230
Price USD:  $24,276
Category:  Houses
Area :  2 Floors
Bedrooms: 2 Bedroom
Living area: 130 m 2
Plot Size :  1,800m 2
Extras:  Electricity, Water
Location:  In the countryside
Published:  Friday, November 6, 2020

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