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New luxury house for sale in Veliko Tarnovo

Newly built house for sale in Veliko Tarnovo, Kartala quarter. The property stands on a dead end street, away from car traffic and noise.

The house has the following distribution inside:

  • Ground floor - garage, entrance hall, several rooms still under construction with access to the backyard.
  • First floor - large living room with balcony, kitchen, bathroom with toilet.
  • Second floor - three bedrooms, one of which has a closet, bathroom, toilet.
  • Under the ground floor there is a large basement.

The house is heated via gas boiler with remote control. The walls are made with Vineberger bricks, with 8 cm Styrofoam external insulation and internal insulation made of stone wool - 5 cm. There is also 20 cm of stone wool insulation under the roof. The house is equipped with German windows Rachau with triple glazing - four seasons. All furniture is custom made to fit the room.

ID: 15821
Property Status:  Available
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District:  Veliko Tarnovo
Price Euro:  €315,000
Price GBP:  £267,750
Price USD:  $321,300
Category:  Houses
Area :  3 Floors
Bedrooms: 3 Bedroom
Living area: 280 m 2
Plot Size :  300m 2
Extras:  Electricity, Water
Location:  In town
Published:  Monday, May 9, 2022

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