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Large house for sale in Svishtov

The house has two floors and consists of 4 rooms - two bedrooms, a large living room and a kitchenette. There is also a large basement. The total living area of the property is 80 sq m.

The house is fully livable, has brand new piping with a water meter, new wiring with a brand-new electrical panel, windows were replaced everywhere, installed video surveillance. The house is equipped with two air conditioners, brand new kitchen furniture, new sofa bed, etc. There is new insulation outside and inside, brand-new stainless-steel gutters, new roof. Both bedrooms are also almost fully furnished. Both of their ceilings are finished with Russian paneling - one of the best on the market.

In the yard there is a brand-new septic tank. There are two external water taps. The yard itself is 600 square meters.

ID: 16100
Property Status:  Available
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District:  Svishtov
Price Euro:  €30,500
Price GBP:  £25,925
Price USD:  $31,110
Category:  Houses
Area :  2 Floors
Bedrooms: 2 Bedroom
Living area: 600 m 2
Plot Size :  2,000m 2
Extras:  Electricity, Water
Location:  In town
Published:  Monday, September 12, 2022

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