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Investment property for sale in Sunny Beach

The apartment is 115 sq m, divided into two, separate one-bedroom apartments. Each apartment consists of a kitchen, a dining room and a bedroom, a bathroom with a toilet. Both apartments are completely renovated and ready for living or renting. They are on the third floor out of four in the building.

The apartments can be again joined together and used as one three-bedroom. The property is situated in a brick residential building with Act 16, received in 2006. The apartments can be used for permanent living, all year round. There are no maintenance fees.

The apartments come furnished with everything necessary and renovated a year ago. Each apartment has a large terrace with a shed. The property is ideal for two families or for one which can live in one apartment and rent out the other.

ID: 15107
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Sunny Beach
Price Euro:  €55,650
Price GBP:  £47,303
Price USD:  $56,763
Category:  Apartments
Area :  3rd floor
Bedrooms: 2 Bedroom
Living area: 115m 2
Extras:  Electricity, Water
Location:  In beach resort
Published:  Monday, July 17, 2023

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