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House for sale near Svoge

This is a lovely cottage for sale, located in a picturesque area surrounded by a beautiful forest.

The property is situated in a quiet village, part from Svoge municipality, Sofia district. The village lies 15 km from Svoge and 42 km from Sofia. The access is easy during the whole year and there is a regular bus transport. The village comprises with amazing views and beautiful nature.

The villa consists of 2 bedrooms, a winter kitchen with stove and a summer kitchen. There is electricity and water (well and reservoir of mountain water). The house has a large terrace overlooking the mountains. In the yard there are wines and fruit trees.

If you want to escape from the noisy and dirty city, and in a short time to find yourself in paradise among the mountains, this is your place.

ID: 10576
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Svoge
Price Euro:  €13,000
Price GBP:  £11,050
Price USD:  $13,260
Category:  Houses
Area :  1 Floor
Plot Size :  400m 2
Extras:  Electricity, Water
Location:  In vacation place
Published:  Tuesday, May 3, 2016

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