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House for sale near Rousse

This is a nice rural property for sale located in a cozy village part of Rousse district in the North-Central Bulgaria and is included in Municipality of Dve Mogili. It is situated 45 km from the town of Ruse. There is a bus that connects local people with the district center - Russe. The population of the village counts to 760 people.
The area offers good opportunities for tourism. Some natural and cultural landmarks are: - Natural Park Rousenski Lom - perfect place for recreation, sport and knowledge of nature, magnificent views over the breathtaking canyon of Beli Lom River; Orlova Chuka cave - the longest cave in North of Bulgaria with bats and stalagmites, stalactites, etc; Rock Monastery of Ivanovo
This two-storey rural house consists of 6 rooms and two cellars. Total living area is 120 sq m. The plot of land is in regulation and is 2400 sq m large. The property is facing towards two asphalted streets. The house is in need of renovation in order to become livable again.


ID: 5783
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Ruse
Price Euro:  €14,500
Price GBP:  £12,325
Price USD:  $14,790
Category:  Houses
Area :  2 Floors
Plot Size :  2,400m 2
Extras:  Electricity, Water
Location:  Near river, In the countryside, Near town, In fishing area, Near highway, In vacation place
Published:  Monday, March 14, 2011

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