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House for sale near Rousse

This is our next suggestion for a property for sale located near the Danube River and not far from the town of Rousse.
The property is situated in a calm and peaceful village with population of around 500 people. The village is part of Byala municipality, Rousse village. It is very well organized and comprises all necessary amenities. There are food shops, bar, restaurant, post office and regular public transport. The village is located 25 km away from the town of Byala and 72 km from Rousse. The estimated drive-time to airports is 2hr 9min to Bucharest and 2hr 32min to Varna.
The property is a two-storey house which offers easy accessibly to both Varna and Veliko Tarnovo via the main road which is close by. Surrounded by a beautiful forest, and comprising 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bathroom, it truly is an amazing property. As well as the large house, there is a 1020 sq m garden with a 150 sq m outbuilding, offering room for renovation and expansion of the house if you wanted to. Also, a mere two kilometers away are two beautiful lakes where you can experience a romantic walk along the shore.

ID: 5153
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Ruse
Price Euro:  €13,000
Price GBP:  £11,050
Price USD:  $13,260
Category:  Houses
Area :  2 Floors
Plot Size :  1,020m 2
Extras:  Electricity, Water
Location:  Near river, Near lake, In the countryside, Near town, In fishing area, In hunting area, Near highway, In vacation place, Near mountain
Published:  Wednesday, June 2, 2010

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