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House for sale near Rousse

We present to your attention this lovely massive two storey house with total living area of 244 sq m. It is located in a nice and quiet village on the main road Byala - Varna. The plot is large - 1400 sq m in size, it is surrounded from all sides by a concrete fence with net. In the yard there is a sink and concrete path leading to the road. The yard is beautifully managed, there are many different sorts of fruit trees, fruit plants, wines and flowers. Also there is a parking space and additional agricultural outbuilding 100 sq m in size, which may be used as a storage or a summer kitchen. The property is in very good condition. On the first floor there is a living room, bedroom, shower room and a basement. On the second floor there are three rooms and a cellar which is perfect to be turned in to a shower room.

The village is located in the North-Central Bulgaria. It is included in Municipality Byala (Rousse District). It is nestled in the foot of the low hills named Popovsko- Samuilski Visochini, which separate the northern - east part of the country from the Danubian Plato.
The village lies along the road which connects the capital Sofia with the city of Varna on Black Sea coast (Sofia- Veliko Turnovo - Byala - Popovo - Shumen - Varna) . The village is 16 km away from Byala, 34 km away from Popovo, 50 km away from Rousse, 55 km away from Veliko Tarnovo.
The climate is temperate continental, with typical cold winter.


ID: 4543
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Ruse
Price Euro:  €19,000
Price GBP:  £16,150
Price USD:  $19,380
Category:  Houses
Area :  2 Floors
Plot Size :  1,400m 2
Extras:  Electricity, Water
Location:  Near river, In the countryside, Near town, In fishing area, In vacation place, Near mountain
Published:  Thursday, March 31, 2011

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