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House for sale near Lom

This is an offer for an old rural property for sale, located in north-western Bulgaria. The property is set in a quiet, small village south-east from the town of Lom and the Danube River. The village is included in the municipality of Valchedram, Montana district. The settlement has good communications, easy access during the whole year, convenient public transport, all amenities.

The property consists of a single storied house and a very large yard. The construction is brick. The total living area of the house is 100 sq m and the yard is 3000 sq m. The house is very old and has not been used for a while, but after some renovation and little investment it would become perfect for vacation or permanent living. The yard is large enough for farming animals, fruit growing or any other kind of agricultural needs. There is water and electricity. The property is surrounded with net fence.

ID: 9846
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Montana
Price Euro:  €5,000
Price GBP:  £4,250
Price USD:  $5,100
Category:  Houses
Area :  1 Floor
Bedrooms: 2 Bedroom
Living area: 100m 2
Plot Size :  3,000m 2
Extras:  Electricity, Water
Location:  Near town
Published:  Wednesday, May 30, 2018

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