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House for sale in the town of Belovo

A house for sale located in the town of Belovo, Pazardzhik region.

The property is situated in the central part of the town, on an asphalted road. The house is solid, brick construction. Its total living area is 240 sq m. There are two floors, an attic and a basement under the whole house. The size of the garden is 1500 sq m.

The overall condition of the building is good. The whole house is plastered both inside and out. There is sewer and electricity. The toilet and a bathroom are inside in the house.

In the yard there are additional buildings, fruit trees and vines.

The town is about 80 km away from Sofia, 60 km from Plovdiv and 25 from Pazardhik. There is a wonderful swimming pool with mineral water just 2 kilometers from Belovo. The property is suitable for year-round living or a villa.

ID: 17816
Property Status:  Available
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District:  Pazardzhik
Price Euro:  €70,000
Price GBP:  £59,500
Price USD:  $71,400
Category:  Houses
Area :  2 Floors
Bedrooms: 4 Bedroom
Living area: 240 m 2
Plot Size :  1,500m 2
Extras:  Electricity, Water
Location:  In town
Published:  Friday, October 11, 2024

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