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House for sale in Chirpan

Our next suggestion is about a house for sale, located in the town of Chirpan. The house is on the main street in the town, near all communications and amenities. Nearby you will find grocery stores, public transport and restaurants.

The house has two floors. First floor consists of two rooms, hallway and a basement. The second floor has four rooms, hallway, bathroom and a laundry room. The house is sold with all of the furniture and some of the equipment.

The roof is in excellent condition. There are excellent communications – water, power supply, sewerage, gas, cable TV, telephone, security system.

The yard is large enough and allows the building of a garage. The total size of the plot is 430 sq m, of which the house is 90 sq m, additional old outbuilding - 60 sq m and garden area - 280 sq m.

ID: 11100
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Chirpan
Price Euro:  €38,100
Price GBP:  £32,385
Price USD:  $38,862
Category:  Houses
Area :  2 Floors
Bedrooms: 4 Bedroom
Living area: 90m 2
Plot Size :  340m 2
Extras:  Electricity, Water
Location:  In town
Published:  Tuesday, February 8, 2022

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