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Hotel for sale near Gotse Delchev

Pay close attention to our next suggestion. This is a fully operational hotel for sale, located in the mountains near the town of Gotse Delchev and the Greek border.

The hotel is situated in a beautiful village in the municipality of Gramen, Blagoevgrad district. The village lies among amazing mountain nature, clean air and picturesque rivers. It is 16 km from Gotse Delchev and 30 km from the border with Greece.

The hotel is in perfect condition. It consists of 8 perfectly furnished rooms, each with WC, air conditioner, cable TV and WiFi. The guest house also has a large dining room with fully equipped kitchen, cozy tavern in authentic antique style, sauna, laundry room and several service premises.

In the garden there are vines, BBQ, Jacuzzi, lounges and much greenery. Next to the hotel there is a newly opened apartment complex with swimming pool with mineral water and various attractions.


  • 2 double rooms
  • 6 apartments (all with bathroom, air conditioning and TV)
  • Dining room with fully equipped kitchen and a tavern
  • sauna
  • gym equipment
  • garden with Jacuzzi and BBQ.

ID: 10148
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Blagoevgrad
Price Euro:  €220,000
Price GBP:  £187,000
Price USD:  $224,400
Category:  Hotels
Area :  3 Floors
Plot Size :  500m 2
Extras:  Electricity, Water
Location:  In the mountains
Published:  Tuesday, November 17, 2015

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