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Apartment for sale in Sunny Beach

The offered apartment is located in a very busy area between the Cocoa Beach and Multiplace in Sunny Beach resort. It is a studio-type set in a residential complex with two pools, deck chairs and tents, parking, outdoor bar and a restaurant. The beach is within 300 m.

The apartment is furnished with absolutely everything necessary for living - kitchen with modern appliances, large bedroom, custom size sofa. All furniture is ordered and are of high quality MDF. The price also includes a flat 32 'TV and Samsung TV and home theater system also Samsung.

The total living area of the studio is 33 sq m. It is set on the third floor out of 6. The year of construction is 2008. There is Act 16 and all necessary documentation. The apartment is ready for living right away.

ID: 10565
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Sunny Beach
Price Euro:  €27,500
Price GBP:  £23,375
Price USD:  $28,050
Category:  Apartments
Area :  3rd floor
Extras:  Electricity, Water
Location:  In beach resort
Published:  Wednesday, April 27, 2016

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