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Agricultural plot of land for sale near Bourgas

This is an offer for three large agricultural plots for sale located not far from Bourgas and the sea.
The properties are set near a nice picturesque village which is part of Karnobat municipality, Bourgas region. It is at the distance of 20 km from the municipality center Karnobat and 67 km from Bourgas town. The main highway leading to Bourgas and Sofia is just 1.6 km away. Thus you will have fast and easy access to all directions.
This property presents itself the perfect investment opportunity in Bulgaria. These are three plots of land with total area of whole 200 053 sq m! The whole area is just enormous. You can buy all plots together or separately. Separately the plots are divided on 56 660 sq m, 56 665 sq m and 56 728 sq m. The land has agricultural status, meaning there is no water or electricity provided. In order to start any construction works first you will have to change its status to regulation. At the moment the plots can be used for agricultural needs, farming, etc. The land is 6th category.

ID: 5394
Property Status:  Sold
District:  Karnobat
Price Euro:  €66,000
Price GBP:  £56,100
Price USD:  $67,320
Category:  Agricultural land
Plot Size :  200,053m 2
Location:  Near beach resort, Near the sea, In the countryside, Near town, Near highway, In vacation place, Near mountain
Published:  Tuesday, September 18, 2012

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