This is an offer for a house for sale, located in a small, quiet town, just a few km east from the city of Plovdiv.
The town lies 17 km from Plovdiv. It is very well developed and has all the necessary amenities and communications. There is regular public transport to the big city and the nearby airport.
The house is two-storied and also includes an attic which is divided into separate rooms, suitable for living. The first floor is 100 sq m in size, the second is 110 and the attic floor is 120 sq m. The house was renovated and includes PVC window joineries, terracotta and laminate floors. There are two bathrooms with WCs.
The yard has an area of 800 sq m. It is well arranged and cultivated – perfect for agricultural needs. There are some additional agricultural outbuildings, sewer and electricity.
The house is ready for living right away.